Students' Sharing - Trip OC
It is nearly impossible to compare my experience this year as an OC member with that of last year as a volunteer.
It is indeed a huge responsibility to carry out a project with a team.However, I've learnt so much more in this role. I've realized how organized and efficient I can be. I've learnt that I can sometimes be too task-oriented and I need to strike a balance. I'm also aware that I should be more open towards other people's ideas, and that it's better to take risks sometimes instead of always thinking of ways to avert unwanted situations. There are times when you have to challenge yourself to understand who you really are. I am glad I took this step and I look froward to more challenges in the future.
Jain Eve Manish
Cambodia Service Learning Trip (Jun 2018)
I found my duties as an organizing committee member quite challenging as I had never been a leader of so many people.
I felt stressed as I used to think an OC member must be extroverted, sociable and outgoing, which I was not. However, I have learnt that there are different styles of leadership and introverts can be strong in teamwork. Some of them are good at illustrating abstract ideas while some others care for the quiet kids and offer help to them. Some have creative ideas and some play well with the kids. It does not matter whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, we all have the ability to help the children in Jiangxi.
Lo Ka Man, Rachel
Jiangxi Service Learning Trip (Jun 2018)
