Terms and Conditions
- I understand that information collected in this form and information related to my participation in any HKUST Connect activities may be transferred internally within HKUST for all related purposes. I agree to the collection and usage of my personal data and understand that I have the right to request access to and the correction of the data provided in this form by contacting HKUST Connect.
- I understand that registration of HKUST Connect activities will be processed through the Social Career platform, and I agree to submit the information for registration of the activities to Social Career.
- If registration to a service project is approved, I understand that my information may be provided to any volunteer organizations concerned for contact and reference purposes.
- As a participant in service projects, I agree to observe and follow the advice and instructions given by the staff and representatives of the relevant service organizations. I also recognize my obligation to serve as an ambassador for HKUST, and will be professional and appropriate in my speech, dress, and behavior.
- I promise to honor my commitment and show up for registered service projects diligently. I understand that my failure to honor my commitment, regardless of reason or provision of advance notification, will adversely affect the operation of the service organization, disappoint the service recipients, and defame HKUST and fellow students. I also understand that HKUST Connect has the right to reprimand and impose sanction against repeated absentees and notify their Schools and/or the administrators of their respective HKUST programs of their repeated absence.
- I understand that there may be photographs, video recordings, and interviews taken of the student participants during the service activities. I hereby give HKUST permission (without further consideration) to use these photographs, video recordings, and statements for the University’s publicity purposes, without acknowledgment of myself and without my entitlement to any remuneration of compensation.
Personal data collection and usage statement
Personal data collected will be used for purposes that are consistent with the University’s mission, typically in the administrative, academic, research, and educational areas. We may use your personal data (in particular your name, contact, and background information) to communicate with you regarding various activities organized by the University, including the promotion of events, seminars, programs, training, fund raising, support for special initiatives, and so on. The data collected will be handled with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality and in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong.