Guizhou Service Learning Trip 貴州服務學習之旅
Zoe Leung (
中國西南部的內陸省份貴州,位於雲貴高原東部,因「地無三里平」而阻礙了當地的交通及經濟發展,不少父母為提升收入到外省打工,把子女交托村內親戚照顧。2017年6月起,一班科大同學兩次到訪貴州黔南布依族苗族自治州長順縣代化鎮,了解到當地學校資源匱乏,兒童缺乏父母關愛,同時對世界充滿好奇。科大侍學行將於今年六月再訪當地,透過教學互動及社區考察,關顧當地留守兒童,並透過家訪、社區考察評估當地學童及社區需要 (needs assessment)。
- 透過工作坊及教學活動了解當地留守兒童的情況、面對的困難及需要
- 透過設計及帶領不同主題的活動,讓農村小孩走出課室學習,並感受別人對他的關愛
- 探索科大同學於未來的服務學習之旅可擔當的角色及工作
Guizhou is a province in southwestern China where the economic development was being hindered due to the mountainous environment. Those children living in the remote villages need our support to empower their lives. We are now recruiting HKUST volunteers to our Guizhou service learning trip in the coming June to conduct needs assessment and provide support to the children through interactive teaching and home visit. Come join us to give a helping hand to those village kids.
Participants will be responsible for planning and organizing activities and workshops to show their care to the village children. They will also design and conduct the needs assessments in the remote village.
Participants of the trip will be able to:
- Understand the needs and difficulties faced by the remote village children and their families through pre-trip workshops and interaction in village schools.
- Empower village children through interactive theme workshops designed and led by participants.
- Explore how HKUST volunteers could contribute to the remote village in the future.
To learn more about the previous service learning trips to Guizhou, go here.