Connect for Change - Global Service Day
Service Opportunities
In support of the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the service opportunities in Global Service Day will align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You may refer to the corresponding SDG goal number boxes in the list below and choose the goals that resonate with you to participate. Let's work together to make the world a better place!
[HMAW1905 Course Hours] Most of the service opportunities are recognized events in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. The number of hours obtained for each service varies, and is subject to the actual service hours confirmed by the partner organization.
* The messages are related to service opportunities where the partner NGOs require participating volunteers to have a certain level of proficiency in Chinese/Cantonese.
Services Organized by Co-organizers:
- [Human Resource Office] (For HKUST Staff only) HKUST Campus Visit with Elderly老友記。科大遊 | 26 Apr (Fri)
- [Sustainability/Net Zero Office] Cultivating Joy Journey: Lok Yin Farm Volunteering Day 耕樂之旅:樂弦農場義工日 | 19 Apr (Fri)

All volunteers of Global Service Day will receive:
- An "HKUST Changemaker" program tee.
- An electronic Certificate of Appreciation.