Take a Step Further: Raise a Brighter Future for Jiangxi Children 愛傳江西築明天

A group of previous Jiangxi Service Learning Trip participants were inspired by the experience and believed they can do more for the left behind children beyond the trip. They mobilized the HKUST community to join hands in donating stationery, as well as raising fund to purchase storybooks for the children in Jiangxi. The donated and purchased items were brought to Jiangxi in the 2016 summer trip.
Students' Sharing
We always see volunteers enjoy their service trip and their interaction with children. However, it is always difficult to keep up the relationship. So, it is really touching to have volunteers continue to support the community of the rural Jiangxi after their trip. They invited friends and others in UST to donate for the left-behind children. It is very encouraging every time when donors ask more about the details and show interests.
CHOW Kit Wun
SENG student, Year 3
Take a step further 的義賣籌款活動,讓我明白到科大學生們對江西服務的可持續發展。作為上年有份參與江西義教的一員,是次活動展示出同學們對弱勢留守兒童仍保持暖暖的關愛。不論是曾經到訪江西的義工,還是首次接觸這個項目的同學,我都能體會到他們的支持,希望籌得的款項能有效為江西弱勢社群帶來正面影響。