Take a Step Further: Raise a Brighter Future for Jiangxi Children 愛傳江西築明天

After joining the Jiangxi Service Learning Trip, a group of past trip participants were inspired by the experience and believed they could do even more for the left-behind children. They engaged the HKUST community to join together in raising funds to support a solid waste treatment project and education in the school in Jiangxi, as well as in raising the awareness on the current situation of left-behind children in Jiangxi.
Student Sharing
我是winter 去的江西,這次在counter看到了很多這個夏天要去江西的小伙伴,感覺真的很溫暖。不僅僅是一種隸屬於同一個家庭的那種溫馨,更有一種我們的心意在一次又一次的trip中薪火相傳的感覺。這次看到 Post-trip 的各位精心準備的display,感覺真的很感動,垃圾焚燒、污水處理等問題也是由我們上次trip發現的問題轉向成為一個應當讓到更多人關注的project。很多事正在being taken action,這讓我感覺我們的行為不只是單薄的義工trip,更是有力量的、sustainable的action :) 加油!
DAI Xiaoyi
SBM, Year 1