Training and Development Program

Thinking Beyond the Gender Box [Updated]

Program Schedule
6 Nov 2023 (Mon)
4:30 - 6pm
Room 1103 (Near LT-A)

Serene Liu (

UN Sustainable Development Goals
Learn how to be gender smart with Teen's Keys

[This is a workshop in Changemaker Gear Up Training Series (GUTS)]

Is gender strictly confined to the categories of male and female, or are there alternative understandings of gender? Gender is a complex topic that encompasses the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations imposed by society based on an individual's sex or gender identity. However, this often restrictive understanding can lead to harmful stereotyping and contributes to gender inequalities.

To gain a deeper understanding of how gender operates in various contexts, such as sexual health, culture, race, and social status, we invite you to join our engaging and insightful workshop. Together, we will thoughtfully explore the ways gender bias and sensitivity impact our daily lives. This workshop specifically addresses prevalent gender issues in Hong Kong, including power dynamics and gender-based violence.

By participating in this workshop, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your own values and attitudes towards gender. You will also discover effective strategies to increase gender awareness, sensitivity, and inclusion. Join us in thinking beyond the gender box and become an empowered changemaker in our community.

Workshop highlights:

  • Engaging interactive activities that address gender and sexuality
  • Real case scenarios and role-playing to demonstrate gender bias and stereotypes
  • Group discussions, reflection, and action planning for positive community impact, promoting gender awareness and sensitivity among university students in Hong Kong

About Teen’s Key Hong Kong:

Established in 2011, Teen’s Key Hong Kong is the first recognized young women-led charitable institution committed to helping young women – no matter their situation or circumstance – gain access to the information, services, and support they need.

Teen's Key focuses on addressing young women’s sexual and reproductive health, and providing holistic treatment for young women in crisis, including those who work in the sex industry. They provide a safe space where young women can realize their potential and where new hope can be formed.

Miss Choi Ka Lee, Carey

Miss Choi Ka Lee, Carey is a professional sexuality education worker. She has completed the Sexuality Education Professional Certificate Course offered by HKASERT. She currently serves as the Education Manager at Teen's Key. With seven years of experience in sexual education-related work, she focuses on promoting comprehensive sexuality education services for secondary schools and young people. She is also dedicated to training youth sexuality education ambassadors. In 2022, she established the online sexual education platform SexualityHub HK with ambassadors, providing accurate and gender-friendly comprehensive sexual education content to young people.


  1. Complete 3 GUTS talks/workshops to get a certificate of participation.
  2. Priority will be given to HKUST Connect registrants (Kick start your changemaking journey with HKUST Connect:
  3. To avoid interruption and hindering the progress of the session, facilitators may not admit new participants who are late for more than 10 minutes.
  4. Registered students are to arrive within 5 minutes after the workshop starts; otherwise, walk-in students will be admitted to take up their spots until the workshop is full.
  5. [HMAW 1905] This is a recognized event in the “Self-directed Experience” component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 1.5 hours, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 minutes.