Sight Beyond Eyes @HKUST 另「眼」相看看科大*
Nicole Cai (

[This is a Community Service under Community GO]
To improve people's understanding of the visually impaired, in collaboration with University & College YMCA (HKUST) and Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind to engage volunteers to bring the visually impaired (VI) persons (over 40 years old) from the centre to tour the HKUST campus. Volunteers and participants will participate in activities such as blindfolded object identification, arts and crafts, and sharing. Through these activities, the VI can learn about the life at university while volunteers can gain a better understanding of the challenges VI are facing and develop empathy towards them.
- Volunteers are required to attend the two following sessions:
- Simulation session: 10 Apr 2023 (Mon) 2-6pm in HKUST; and
- Briefing session: 21 Apr 2023 (Fri) 7:15-9:15pm in Shek Kip Mei Lutheran Centre for the Blind
- For Uni-Y(HKUST) members only; students can apply for membership when enrolling in this program.
- [CORE1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of CORE1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. You need to attend the event in full to get 11.5 hours.
- Upon completion of the service, the actual service hours will be subjected to the confirmation of the partner association.