HKUST Unlocked 大埔救恩書院X科大:學長請帶路
Fanny Ng(

Remember Your F.5 Days? Lost, Dreaming, Hopeful… Now, it’s your turn to guide them! We’re teaming up with Breakthrough to recruit HKUST students to lead an unforgettable campus tour for F.5 students. This isn’t just a tour—it’s a chance to share your university journey, inspire their dreams, and give them a glimpse into campus life. As a Student Guide, You’ll:
· Showcase HKUST’s iconic facilities
· Share personal stories about university life and growth
· Answer their questions about program choices, interviews, and more · Help them explore future pathways
We strongly encourage participation from SBM, SSCI, and SENG students. Share your valuable experiences!
還記得你中五時的迷惘、憧憬和期待嗎?現在,你有機會成為他們的引路人!我們正與突破機構合作,招募科大學生為中五學生安排一次難忘的校園導賞體驗。這不僅僅是一次簡單的校園參觀,更是讓你分享在科大的生活、學習和成長心得,讓他們一窺大學生活的面貌。 作為學生導賞員,你將:
· 帶領參觀科大特色設施
· 分享個人升學心得和大學生活點滴
· 解答他們對選科、面試的疑惑 · 陪伴他們探索未來發展方向
今次特別鼓勵來自商學院 (SBM)、理學院 (SSCI) 和工程學院 (SENG) 的同學積極參與,分享你們寶貴的經驗!
Date: 24 Mar 2025 (Mon)
Time: 2:30-3:30pm
Venue: HKUST Campus
Date: 28 Mar 2025 (Fri)
Time: 2-4pm
Gathering Time& Venue: 1:20pm@HKUST Campus
# You are required to attend the whole service program, including Briefing, Service & Debriefing.
1. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email from
2. [HMAW1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 3 hours, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 mins.
3. Upon completion of the service, the actual service hours will be subjected to the confirmation of the partner association.