Island Paradise: 20 Years Left? 小島倒數20年

Imagine your home, your culture, your memories— all swallowed by rising tides. What would you do?
Join "Countdown: 20", organized by the Humanitarian Education Centre of Hong Kong Red Cross, to engage in interactive activities. Step into the role of an islander, face the challenges of climate change, and make crucial decisions during annual events. Participants will be divided into family units, where you will assume different family roles. Through this immersive experience, you'll gain insight into the struggles of climate refugees and learn how the Red Cross responds to the climate crisis. Sign up now to show your support for climate action and humanitarian efforts!
About Humanitarian Education Centre of Hong Kong Red Cross
In response to increasing humanitarian challenges, the Hong Kong Red Cross established Asia’s first Humanitarian Education Centre. This centre aims to transform abstract humanitarian concepts into actionable initiatives through thematic exhibitions and visits. It encourages visitors to cultivate humanity, offer care, and take action for those in need.
- Priority will be given to HKUST Connect registrants (Kick start your changemaking journey with HKUST Connect:
- [Penalty for withdrawal after 24 Feb and/or absence] The event is fully subsidized by HKUST Connect. If you are unable to participate in the event as schedule, you should send us a written notification to as soon as possible, but no later than 24 Feb 2024 (Mon). Students who withdrawn after the deadline or absent from the event will be charged a HKD150 program fee.
- To avoid interruption and hindering the progress of the session, facilitators may not admit new participants who are late for more than 10 minutes.
- [HMAW 1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 1.5 hours, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 mins.