Be the Single Spark to Create Changes
Nicole Cai (

[This is a talk in Changemaker Gear Up Training Series (GUTS)]
"A single spark can ignite a blaze."
Making a series of good decisions is crucial in the quest for personal and community transformation. As individuals, we strive to be the spark that inspires others and contributes to positive change. But how can we ensure our efforts are heading in the right direction and that we are truly solving others' problems?
In this talk, Martin Tan, co-founder of the Halogen Foundation, shares insights on building meaningful relationships and effective collaboration to amplify your impact. Explore strategies for networking, communication, and forming alliances that drive positive change.
Discover how to maximize your potential, ignite change, and make a significant difference. Mr. Tan reveals how to identify and harness your unique talents and capabilities to become an effective changemaker. Learn how to leverage your strengths and embody your spark.
Teen's Key:
Established in 2011, Teen’s Key Hong Kong is the first recognized young women-led charitable institution under S88 of the IRD (#91/14605) committed to helping young women, regardless of their situation or circumstance, to gain access to information, services, and support they need.
We focus on addressing young women’s sexual and reproductive health, and to providing holistic treatment for young women in crisis, including those who work in the sex industry.
We provide a safe space where young women can realize their potential and where new hope can be formed.
1. Complete 3 GUTS talks/workshops to receive a certificate of participation.
2. Priority will be given to HKUST Connect registrants. Kick-start your changemaking journey with HKUST Connect:
3. To ensure uninterrupted progress during the session, participants who are late for more than 10 minutes may not be admitted by the facilitators.
4. [HMAW1905] This event is recognized as a part of the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. Attendance for the full duration of the event is required to earn 1 hour 30 minutes.