WebOrganic i·Mentorship Programme「有機上網」i·師友計劃 2023/24
Harry Leung (harry.leung@ust.hk)
This service opportunity requires participants to be proficient in Cantonese.
Under the epidemic of COVID-19, the general public is encountering various challenges in their life, work and study with feelings of powerlessness and stress. This year, the Programme integrates ICT into life education to arouse public awareness and concern towards mental health. With the support from various social service units, higher education tertiary institutions and universities, the Programme has been held for the 14th consecutive semester. HKUST has been collaborated with WebOrganic and recruited student volunteers to serve as mentors to children and youth for 6 years. The organizer is now looking for big brothers and sisters, who are enthusiastic about serving society and with mature personalities, be the mentors.
The i·Mentorship Programme organized by WebOrganic aims to create a rare opportunity for P.4 to S.3 students from low-income families for their personal growth and learning. HKUST volunteers will act as mentors to 1-3 children or youth throughout the Programme. Both mentors and mentees will learn about three different topics, including "STEM Lab", “Positive Thinking” and “ICT enabled Mental Health Solution Idea Proposal" and co-create a social innovative idea relating to ICT application in mental health. No prior knowledge of STEM nor technology is required.
Program details and schedule: https://shorturl.at/jkmB0
* Upon completion of the mentorship programme, mentors will receive a certificate for recognition and HK$200 bookstore coupon.
「有機上網」是香港社會服務聯會全資附屬的社會企業,旨在協助有需要的學生掌握資訊科技運用,提升學習興趣和發揮潛能。 科大侍學行由2015年開始與「有機上網」合作,招募科大同學成為友師,一起在基層兒童學習路上行。
在疫情的影響下,市民的生活、工作和學習都受到莫大衝擊,而產生無力感和壓力。「有機上網」所舉辨的「有機上網」i·師友計劃 - ICT x 生命教育」以ICT融合生命反思,喚起和促進大家對精神健康的關注。機構現招募正面成熟及樂意服務基層家庭學童的本地大學生成爲友師,與小四至中三學童一起學習本計劃包括的三大主題課程︰「STEM Lab」、「正向思維」、「精神健康與科技應用計劃設計」,並運用所學,共同構思社會創新意念,利用物聯網構思能夠社會服務的方案。參加者不需要掌握STEM和擁有特定科技知識也可以當友師。
- 機構將配對友師和學員到地區的中心參與計劃(將按友師居住地區或喜好配對),每位友師督導1至3位學員
- 友師將與學員一起完成任務,學習科技知識的同時,構思社會服務的點子
- 註冊社工指導,備有迎新指引及活動紀錄冊,按部就班完成
- 網上及面見模式並行,方便友師及學員跟進進度
- 完成計劃後,可獲HK$200書劵,並有機會與學員共同贏取「最具社會創新意念獎」