Community Service
Mid-Autumn Festival Visit - Let Care Reach Street Cleaners and Scavengers「中秋月」清潔工及拾荒者探訪
Program Details
19 Sep 2022
Mong Kok & Yau Ma Tei
The Salvation Army Yaumatei Integrated Services for Young People
No. of Volunteers
No. of Service Recipients
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Partnering with The Salvation Army Yaumatei Integrated Services for Young People, volunteers visit street cleaners and scavengers in Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei. Volunteers reached out to the service users with Chinese Mooncakes, soups and gifts to show their love and care before the Mid-Autumn Festival .
In this service, volunteers understood more about the situations scavengers facing and learnt to be grateful for everything they have.