[Full] Do animals have rights?

In recent years, the global pet industry has experienced tremendous growth, driven by lifestyle changes and changing perspectives on animal companionship. As a result, there has been a noticeable increase in pet-friendly policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of our furry friends. However, it's important to recognize that animals also play vital roles in food production, trade, consumption, and entertainment, significantly contributing to economic development. This multifaceted relationship calls for a deeper examination of our responsibilities toward all animals, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that respects both their welfare and their roles within our society.
Mr. Mark Mak, the Executive Chairman of the Non-Profit Veterinary (NPV) Services Society, will lead a thought-provoking discussion on the relationship between economic animals and animal rights, drawing from his years of dedication to promoting animal rights. Joining him will be two special guests, abandoned and neglected cats Ario and Cobbie, representatives from "Animal Teacher." Mr. Mak will share their story and shed light on the current situation of economic animals in Hong Kong. Save your seat now!
Mr Mark Mak
Founder and Executive Chairmen
Non-Profit making Veterinary (NPV) Services Society
Mark Mak is the founder and Executive Chairman of the Non-Profit Making Veterinary Services Society Limited (NPV). He deeply believes that animals' inability to access medical care is an injustice, which is why he established NPV to provide affordable veterinary services for pet owners and stray animals. Over the past decade, he has become more of an animal rights activist, focusing on advocating for animal rights and welfare on every platform available to him, with the aim of building a harmonious society co-lived by human beings and animals.
1. To avoid interruption and hindering the progress of the session, facilitators may not admit new participants who are late for more than 10 minutes.
2. [HMAW1905] This is a recognized event in the “Self-directed Experience” component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 1 hour, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 minutes.