Community Service
[FULL] In Step with Dogs 同步手牽狗
UN Sustainable Development Goals

In this service, you will visit Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)'s Homing Centre in Tai Po to understand the organization's work and challenges ahead. You will get to show care and love to rescued dogs by visiting their kennels, taking a walk with them and assisting HKDR staff with centre renovation chores.
- Volunteers should not be afraid of any kind of dogs and should have no allergies to animals.
- [Penalty for withdrawal after 10 Apr and/or absence] This service is fully subsidized by Comfort Paws Program. If you are unable to participate in the program as scheduled, you should send us a written notification to no later than 10 Apr 2024 (Wed). Participants who withdraw from the Program after 10 Apr 2024 or are absent from the Program will be charged an HKD300 program fee.
- [HMAW1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 2.5 hours, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 mins.
- Upon completion of the service, the actual service hours will be subjected to the confirmation of the partner association.
- Transportation from HKUST campus to Tai Po will be arranged. No return trip will be provided.