UN Sustainable Development Goals
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Volunteers guiding the elderly to use smartphones

Eye care & GO for the Older People 長者「眼明手快」工作坊*


[This is a Community Service under Community GO]

The Ageing-in-Place Scheme by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) aims to improve the living environment and community facilities for the elderly residents and support their housing and social needs. Cooperating with HKHS, we will guide the elderly singletons and elderly couples living in Moon Lok Dai Ha to use smartphones and do eye massaging exercises. You will provide both practical assistance and emotional support to residents in need.

香港房屋協會(房協)推行「樂得耆所」計劃,為長者居民提供一站式的支援服務,改善長者的居住屋環境和設備,並策動社區夥伴回應長者的身心社交及住屋等需要。現招募義工與房協合作,服務荃灣滿樂大廈的長者居民,教導他們使用智能電話應用程式,如HA Go手機程式,同時分享按摩眼部的方法,舒緩使用手機引致的雙眼疲勞,向長者們送上親切的問候。

Date: 22 April 2023 (Sat)
Time: 9:15 - 11:30am
Location: Tsuen Wan
Requirement: Volunteers need to be fluent in Cantonese.
  1. Volunteers are required to attend a briefing session at 5-6pm on 18 Apr 2023 (Tue) in Room 5564 (Lift 27-28).
  2. [CORE1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of CORE1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. You need to attend the event in full to get 2.5 hours.  
  3. Upon completion of the service, the actual service hours will be subjected to the confirmation of the partner association.
Application Closed